DruMantra is a new experimental solo project given birth during lockdown.
With zero expectations other than seeing what happens with the tools at hand.
Drums and logic X synths both of which are semi improvised to an audio visual finish.
Debut EP Coming soon.

Latest Music featuring myself....
Listen too latest Excellent Birds
Album 'Jungian Stomp'
I feature on 6 tracks including:
Slyvia's Mirror with 6 other drummers,
Guy Metcalfe (Thought Forms), James Hester (Cars on Fire), Hugo Bishop (Oliver Wild), Dan Johnson (EP/64, MARCY), Andy Sutor (Peach, Emily Breeze) and Mark Whitlam (Andy Sheppard)
Future Ghosts, and I Find It Hard
is just myself.
While on How To Sleep, and Young Romance is double drums with myself and James Hester...
Listen too latest Excellent Birds
single 'Sylvia's Mirror'
Features myself and 6 other drummers;
Guy Metcalfe (Thought Forms), James Hester (Cars on Fire), Hugo Bishop (Oliver Wild), Dan Johnson (EP/64, MARCY), Andy Sutor (Peach, Emily Breeze) and Mark Whitlam (Andy Sheppard), which we were asked to improvise to a 4/4 metronome without the track and record it on our phones. The recordings were then cut up and the beat was made.